Software Engineer at IBM’s AI Horizons Network (AIHN) Cognitive Immersive Systems Lab (CISL), RPI

Developed an immersive, conversational system on a 360-degree screen that allowed students who are learning Mandarin Chinese to practice with an AI agent in simulated scenarios such as a scavenger hunt, booking a table at a restaurant, or shopping at vendors on a Chinese street, which will be used in a summer course in 2019 at RPI.

Check out our Posters for The IBM Research AI Horizons Colloquium!

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D Allen, RR Divekar, J Drozdal, L Balagyozyan, S Zheng, Z Song, H Zou, J Tyler, X Mou, R Zhao, H Zhou, J Yue, JO Kephart, H Su. The Rensselaer Mandarin Project—a Cognitive and Immersive Language Learning Environment. In AAAI 2019.

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© Built by Ziyi Song 2019. And I love Sushi.